Once I had a girlfriend who liked to be controlled. And I mean controlled in EVERY way. The most fun was obviously in the bedroom. I’d tie her up sometimes and leave her for an hour or two. Don’t worry, when I came back for her she was so wet that the sheets were soaked. I gave her a nice spanking for being so dirty and then fucked her until she screamed.
I wanted to find a porn site that reminded me of all the fun we used to have. Luckily I found Submissived.com. It’s full of the most brutal hardcore fucking. The girls are young, mostly 18-21. They look like they’re being used and abused, but they all love every second of it. Some of my favorites are Alexa Raye, Becky Sins, Chloe Carter, Molly Mae, Vanessa Cage, Lexi Bandera, Kendall Woods, and Maya Bijou. They all get me off so hard when I watch them get fucked.
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